# Ver 2.0 by
# Eyal Seroussi <seroussi@agri.huji.ac.il>
# Darek Kedra   <darked@burnham.org>
#these three  are platform dependent:
my $PHRED_EXE  =  '/usr/local/bin/phred';
my $PHRED_DAT  =  '/usr/local/etc/phredpar.dat';
my $temp_path  =  '/tmp/frsh_files/';
# default values possible to be modified
my $MIN_SHIFT_SIZE  =  1;
my $MAX_SHIFT_SIZE  =  25;
unless (@ARGV == 5)
print <<EOH;
Usage: frsh tracefile user_name expect first-base last-base
Takes a single trace file created by ABI and looks for a frameshift.
Out-put includes frameshift size and the putative sequence of the molecule.
exit 0;
unless ($ARGV[3] < $ARGV[4])
print <<EOH;
Wrong cut-off data.
exit 0;
#adjusting working environment
my $ABI_file    = $ARGV[0];
my $file_suffix = $ARGV[1];
my $expect      = $ARGV[2];
my $fbase       = $ARGV[3];
my $lbase       = $ARGV[4];
my $temp_ABI_file   =  "$temp_path".'frshtrace'."$file_suffix";
my $temp_poly_file  = "$temp_ABI_file".'.poly';
my $fof_name = "$temp_path"."$file_suffix".'.fof';
system("rm -f $fof_name");
system("touch $fof_name");
system("cp $ABI_file $temp_ABI_file");
#Screen for shifts in range of 1 to 25 bases using Check_Shift subroutine
for ($shift_size = $MIN_SHIFT_SIZE; $shift_size <= $MAX_SHIFT_SIZE; $shift_size++ )
     print "\n";
#main ends
sub run_phred
system("$PHRED_EXE -dd $temp_path $temp_ABI_file");
}#sub run_phred ends
sub read_poly
open(POLY_FILE,"$temp_poly_file") or die $!;
close POLY_FILE;
my $base_number = 1;
    #preparing bases for comparison
    @line_record = split /  /;
    if ($base_number <= $lbase)
       if ($base_number >= $fbase)
           my $pbase_number= $base_number-$fbase+1;
           $base1[$pbase_number]    = $line_record[0];
           $base1_ra[$pbase_number] = $line_record[3];
           $base2[$pbase_number]    = $line_record[4];
           $base2_ra[$pbase_number] = $line_record[7];
           if ($base2[$pbase_number] eq "N")
              $base2[$pbase_number]    = $base1[$pbase_number];
              $base2_ra[$pbase_number] = $base1_ra[$pbase_number];
    } #end for (@POLY_FILE_ARRAY)
}#sub read_poly ends
sub Check_Shift
for (my $base_number = 1; $base_number < $#base1; $base_number++)
    $prediction1[$base_number]     = $prediction2[$base_number]    = "N";
    $prediction1_ra[$base_number]  = $prediction2_ra[$base_number] = $taken[$base_number] = 0;
#The @taken array acts as an array of flags. If a base was taken to
#prediction 1 the program should know it in the future to improve its predictions.
for  ($base_number = 1; $base_number < $#base1; $base_number++)
     #Making the match across $shift_size, if there is one, it is stored in the
     #prediction sequences:
     #there are 4 possibilities for each position: A, B, C, D.
     #start matching only if the molecule is long enough. (4 possibilities:)
     if ($base_number > $shift_size + 1 )
        #(long enough:)
        my $offset_base_no = $base_number - $shift_size;
        my $current_base1 = $base1[$base_number];
        my $current_base1_ra = $base1_ra[$base_number];
        my $current_base2 = $base2[$base_number];
        my $current_base2_ra = $base2_ra[$base_number];
        #A- the first bases of the 2 calls are identical B- the first base and the second one are equal:
        if (($current_base1 eq $base1[$offset_base_no]) or ($current_base1 eq $base2[$offset_base_no]))
           #(possibility A and B:)
           $prediction1[$base_number]    = $current_base1;
           $prediction1_ra[$base_number] = $current_base1_ra;
           $prediction2[$base_number]    = $current_base2;
           $prediction2_ra[$base_number] = $current_base2_ra;
           $taken[$base_number] = 1;
           }#(possibility A and B)
        #C- the second base and the first one are equal:
        #should be checked only if there is a real double peak at the first call
        if ($current_base2 ne $current_base1)
           #(double peak:)
           if ($current_base2 eq $base1[$offset_base_no])
              #(possibility C:)
              if ($prediction1[$base_number] ne "N")
                 #if there is no "N" there is already prediction for that base.
                 #it means that there are 2 logical predictions for this
                 #base and the program annotates that using the word "or"
                 #the program then try to decide which is better and put it in first place
                 #it takes into consideration if the base from the second call has
                 #already been assigned (two solutions by C:)
                 if ($taken[$offset_base_no] == 0)
                    #if the "taken" flag is not raised it means that both bases are possible and
                    #the high quality one will be first (not taken:)
                    $prediction1[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number].' or '.$current_base2;
                    $prediction2[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number];
                    }#not taken
                       #if the "taken" flag is raised it is less likely that base 1 is the
                       #right one as it is already taken to another position
                       #and the places should be switched unless the quality  of that second
                       #base is really dubious (taken)
                       if (($base1_ra[$offset_base_no] / $base2_ra[$offset_base_no])>30)
                          #quality dubious don't switch
                          $prediction1[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number].' or '.$current_base2;
                          $prediction2[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number];
                          #quality OK to switch
                          $prediction1[$base_number] = $current_base2.' or '.$prediction1[$base_number];
                          $prediction2[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number];
                 }#two solutions by C
                    #(one solution by C:)
                    $prediction1[$base_number]    = $current_base2;
                    $prediction1_ra[$base_number] = $current_base2_ra;
                    $prediction2[$base_number]    = $current_base1;
                    $prediction2_ra[$base_number] = $current_base1_ra;
                    $taken[$base_number] = 1;
                    }#(one solution by C)
              }#(possibility C ends)
              #D- the second bases of the 2 calls are identical:
              if ($base1[$offset_base_no] ne $base2[$offset_base_no])
                 #(double peak in second call:)
                 if ($current_base2 eq $base2[$offset_base_no])
                    #(possibility D:)
                    if ($prediction1[$base_number] ne "N")
                       #(two solutions by D:)
                       if ($taken[$offset_base_no] == 0)
                          $prediction1[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number].' or '.$current_base2;
                          $prediction2[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number];
                          if (($base1_ra[$offset_base_no]/$base2_ra[$offset_base_no])>30)
                             $prediction1[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number].' or '.$current_base2;
                             $prediction2[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number];
                          else {
                               $prediction1[$base_number] = $current_base2.' or '.$prediction1[$base_number];
                               $prediction2[$base_number] = $prediction1[$base_number];
                       }#(two solutions by D)
                          #(one solution by D:)
                          $prediction1[$base_number] = $current_base2;
                          $prediction1_ra[$base_number] = $current_base2_ra;
                          $prediction2[$base_number] = $current_base1;
                          $prediction2_ra[$base_number] = $current_base1_ra;
                          $taken[$base_number] = 1;
                          }#(one solution by D)
                    }#(possibility D ends)
                 }#(double peak in second call)
           }#(double peak)
        }#(long enough)
        #changing the format to single letter format
        $prediction1[$base_number] = single_letter_code($prediction1[$base_number]);
        $prediction2[$base_number] = single_letter_code($prediction2[$base_number]);
     }#(4 possibilities:)
}# sub Check_Shift ends
sub calc_probability
#finding the site of shift
#preparing working environment, the variable min_shift_pro indicates the existence
#of a shift when small than 0.001. It is calculated for each position by comparing
#prediction 1 and 2 across the shift. Since the chance to a similar pair is 0.25
#(4 pairs of 16 possibilities) this variable is divided by 4 when a match
#is encountered. This variable is multiplied by 4, which is an empirical penalty
#value for a mismatch. A fail to predict (letter N in prediction) is
#regarded as a mismatch.
my $shift_found = 'none';
my $min_probab_found   = 'none';
my $min_shift_pro  = 1;
for ( my $base_number = 1; ($base_number  < $#prediction1 - (10 + $shift_size));  $base_number++)
    #(estimating min_shift_pro:)
    $probability[$base_number] = 1;
    for (my $base_offset = 0; $base_offset < 10; $base_offset++ )
        #estimating shift probability p[$base_number] by 10 bases
        if ($prediction1[$base_number + $shift_size + $base_offset] eq 'N')
           $probability[$base_number] = $probability[$base_number]*4;
           if ($prediction1[$base_number + $shift_size + $base_offset] eq $prediction2[$base_number + $base_offset])
              $probability[$base_number] = $probability[$base_number]*0.25;
              $probability[$base_number] = $probability[$base_number]*4;
        # print "$base_number p=$probability[$base_number]\n";
        if ($probability[$base_number] < $min_shift_pro)
           $min_shift_pro = $probability[$base_number];
           if ($probability[$base_number] < 0.001)
              $shift_found = 'yes';
        if ($min_probab_found eq 'none')
           if ($shift_found eq 'yes')
              if ($probability[$base_number] >= $probability[$base_number-1])
                 $min_probab_found = 'yes';
                 #recording the site of shift to be reported
                 $shift_start_pro = $probability[$base_number];
                 $shift_start = $base_number + $shift_size;
    }#(estimating min_shift_pro ends)
#print summary
#result are reported only if $min_shift_pro is less then expect value somewhere
#along the predicted molecule. However
#in such case the start of shift will be reported at first place
#that probability dropped below 0.001
$f_min_shift_pro = sprintf "%0.2e",$min_shift_pro;
if ($min_shift_pro > $expect) {$shift_found = 'none';}
if ($shift_found eq 'yes')
   $f_min_shift_pro = sprintf "%0.2e",$min_shift_pro;
   $f_shift_start_pro = sprintf "%0.2e",$shift_start_pro;
   print "Shift of $shift_size nucleotides was detected (Expect $f_min_shift_pro)\n";
   print "Shift starts at analyzed base $shift_start : probability score $f_shift_start_pro\n";
   print "The predicted sequence of the molecule following the shift is:\n";
   open (FASTA_FILE,"> $fasta_file") or die $!;
   print {FASTA_FILE} "> $file_suffix.$shift_size\n";
   for ($i = $shift_start + 1; $i < $#prediction1; $i++)
       print "$prediction1[$i]";
       print {FASTA_FILE} "$prediction1[$i]";
       if ((($i - $shift_start) % 60) == 0){print {FASTA_FILE} "\n"; print "\n";}
   print{FASTA_FILE} "\n";
   print "\n";
   close FASTA_FILE;
   $ID = "$file_suffix".'_'."$shift_size";
   fasta2exp($fasta_file, $ID);
   print "Checks for $shift_size nucleotide shift : No shift found (Expect $f_min_shift_pro)\n";
} #sub calc_probability ends
sub single_letter_code
my $input_base = $_[0];
my %bases_hash =
  'A or G'  =>  "R",
  'G or A'  =>  "r",
  'A or C'  =>  "M",
  'C or A'  =>  "m",
  'A or T'  =>  "W",
  'T or A'  =>  "w",
  'C or G'  =>  "S",
  'G or C'  =>  "s",
  'C or T'  =>  "Y",
  'T or C'  =>  "y",
  'G or T'  =>  "K",
  'T or G'  =>  "k",
  'A'       =>  'A',
  'C'       =>  'C',
  'G'       =>  'G',
  'T'       =>  'T',
  'N'       =>  'N'
if (exists ($bases_hash{$input_base}))
   $output_base = $bases_hash{$input_base};
    print "single_letter_code_sub -> bad base: $input_base\n"
return $output_base;
}#sub single_letter_code ends
sub fasta2exp
my ($fasta_file, $ID) = @_;
my $exp_file = "$temp_path"."$ID".'.exp';
%IUPAC_hash =
 #iupac base, regular base, tag
 'R' => ['A' , 'A or G'],
 'r' => ['G' , 'A or G'],
 'M' => ['A' , 'A or C'],
 'm' => ['C' , 'A or C'],
 'H' => ['N' , 'C,A or T  '],
 'h' => ['N' , 'C,A or T  '],
 'W' => ['A' , 'A or T'],
 'w' => ['T' , 'A or T'],
 'D' => ['N' , 'A,G or T  '],
 'd' => ['N' , 'A,G or T  '],
 'S' => ['C' , 'C or G'],
 's' => ['G' , 'C or G'],
 'B' => ['N' , 'C,G or T  '],
 'b' => ['N' , 'C,G or T  '],
 'Y' => ['C' , 'C or T'],
 'y' => ['T' , 'C or T'],
 'N' => ['N' , 'A,G,T or C'],
 'n' => ['N' , 'A,G,T or C'],
 'K' => ['G' , 'G or T'],
 'k' => ['T' , 'G or T'],
 'V' => ['N' , 'A,C or G  '],
 'v' => ['N' , 'A,C or G  '],
 'A' => ['A' , 'none' ],
 'C' => ['C' , 'none' ],
 'G' => ['G' , 'none' ],
 'T' => ['T' , 'none' ]
open (FASTA_FILE, $fasta_file) or die $!;
my @fasta_lines = <FASTA_FILE>;
shift @fasta_lines;
my (@exp_tags, @exp_sequence);
for (@fasta_lines)
    @input_bases = split //;
    for my $input_base (@input_bases)
        if (exists ($IUPAC_hash{$input_base}))
           my @values = @{$IUPAC_hash{$input_base}};
           my $output_base = $values[0];
           my $output_tag  = $values[1];
           push @exp_sequence, $output_base;
           push @exp_tags, $output_tag;
        else {print " fasta2exp: bad base: $input_base\n"}
$exp[0]= 'ID   '."$ID";
$exp[1]= 'EN   '."$ID";
$exp[2]= 'LN   '."$ID";
$exp[3]= 'LT   PLN';
$exp[4]= 'QR   '."$#exp_sequence";
$exp[5]= 'AQ   0.000000';
$exp[6]= 'SQ';
$exp[7]= '     ';
$line_exp_no = 7;
for ($i = 1; $i <= $#exp_sequence; $i++)
    $exp[$line_exp_no] = "$exp[$line_exp_no]"."$exp_sequence[$i]";
    if (($i % 60) == 0)
       $exp[$line_exp_no]='     ';
    elsif (($i % 10) == 0){$exp[$line_exp_no] = "$exp[$line_exp_no]".' '; }
$exp[$line_exp_no] = '//';
for ($i = 1; $i <= $#exp_sequence; $i++)
    if ($exp_tags[$i] ne 'none')
       $exp[$line_exp_no] = 'TG   COMM + '."$i".'..'."$i";
       $exp[$line_exp_no] = 'TG        '."$exp_tags[$i]";
open (EXP_FILE,">$exp_file") or die $!;
for (@exp)
    print {EXP_FILE} "$_";
    print {EXP_FILE} "\n";
close EXP_FILE;
open (FOF_FILE,">>$fof_name") or die $!;
print {FOF_FILE} "$ID\n";
close FOF_FILE;
} #sub fasta2exp ends